Liquidity for SMEs,

meaningful investments

Cumplo connects companies seeking liquidity with people willing to invest in their projects. Join collaborative financing.

Liquidity for SMEs,

meaningful investments

Cumplo connects companies seeking liquidity with people willing to invest in their projects. Join collaborative financing.

for SMEs,


Cumplo connects companies seeking

liquidity with people willing

to invest in their projects.

Join collaborative financing.

Liquidity for SMEs,

meaningful investments

Cumplo connects companies seeking liquidity with people willing to invest in their projects. Join collaborative financing.

How does collaborative financing work?


SMEs request financing from Cumplo, through a loan or advance payment.


Cumplo publishes these requests as investment opportunities.


Investors help finance the SME by participating in the investments.


Cumplo gives this money to the SME.


After the agreed time, Cumplo collects the borrowed money.


Investors receive back what they lent, plus interest earned.

+US $2,600

USD financed







Financiamiento para tu negocio a tasa justa

Diferentes alternativas para tu empresa, que se adaptan a tus necesidades.

¿Tienes un respaldo, necesitas más plazo?Conversemos

Diferentes alternativas para tu empresa, que se adaptan a las necesidades de tu pyme. ¿Tienes un respaldo, necesitas más plazo? Conversemos

Diferentes alternativas para tu empresa, que se adaptan a las necesidades de tu pyme. ¿Tienes un respaldo, necesitas más plazo? Conversemos

Diferentes alternativas para tu empresa, que se adaptan a las necesidades de tu pyme. ¿Tienes un respaldo, necesitas más plazo? Conversemos

They are part of our network

They are part of our network

They are part of our network

They are part of our network

They have trusted Cumplo

They have trusted Cumplo

They have trusted Cumplo

They have trusted Cumplo

United States

17350 State Hwy 249, Ste 220 #1580,
Houston, Texas 94105, CumploTex LLC

We are B Corp. We work for a fairer economy and measure our impact on the community and the planet.

© 2024 Cumplo. All rights reserved.

United States

17350 State Hwy 249, Ste 220 #1580, Houston, Texas 94105, CumploTex LLC

We are B Corp. We work for a fairer economy and measure our impact on the community and the planet.

© 2024 Cumplo. All rights reserved.

United States

17350 State Hwy 249, Ste 220 #1580, Houston, Texas 94105, CumploTex LLC

We are B Corp. We work for a fairer economy and measure our impact on the community and the planet.

© 2024 Cumplo. All rights reserved.

United States

17350 State Hwy 249, Ste 220 #1580,
Houston, Texas 94105, CumploTex LLC

We are B Corp. We work for a fairer economy and measure our impact on the community and the planet.

© 2024 Cumplo. All rights reserved.